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Created: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
Edited: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
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Created: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
Edited: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
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Created: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
Edited: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
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Created: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
Edited: 2024-04-17 15:22:07
Mime Type: image/jpeg

A girl called Lina lived in a small village called Flusswald. Lina was cheerful, creative and loved to play with other children. She had a special talent for painting and could touch people's hearts with her colourful pictures. But despite her bright smile and friendly nature, Lina often felt lonely.
At school, Lina was excluded and rejected by some of her classmates. She was different from the other children - she loved to dress up in colourful clothes and decorate her hair with colourful ribbons, while the other children preferred to wear inconspicuous clothes. Lina felt like a stranger in her own class and this made her very sad.

One day, Lina decided to do something to overcome her loneliness. She remembered a story her grandmother had told her - the story of the rainbow bridge of friendship. In this story, it was said that there was an invisible bridge that connected all people, no matter how different they were. Lina decided to find the Rainbow Bridge and connect with those who accepted and appreciated her for who she was.
With this decision, Lina set off in search of the Rainbow Bridge. She wandered through the woods, over the mountains and through the valleys, always looking for a sign that would show her the way. After many days of wandering, she finally reached a picturesque lake with a beautiful bridge of light and colour on its shore.
Lina knew immediately that this was the rainbow bridge of friendship. She felt a warm feeling of hope and comfort as she crossed the bridge. On the other side, she was greeted by a group of children who were dressed just as colourfully and cheerfully as she was. They hugged Lina warmly and welcomed her.
These children were like Lina - they were also excluded and rejected by their classmates. But instead of being angry about it, they had learnt that it was more important to connect with those who really liked and appreciated them. They had formed their own little community where everyone was welcome, regardless of their background or appearance.
Lina immediately felt at ease in the company of these children. They played together, laughed together and supported each other in everything they did. Thanks to their bond and friendship, Lina finally no longer felt alone and misunderstood. She had found a place where she really belonged.
Over time, Lina began to realise that the rejection and exclusion she had experienced was not because of her, but because of the other children who were not prepared to accept her for who she was. She realised that she was not the only one who had such experiences and that it was important to separate yourself from those who did not respect or appreciate you.
Through her experiences on the Rainbow Bridge of Friendship, Lina learnt that true friendship is based on mutual respect, understanding and support. She realised that it doesn't matter how many friends you have, but rather that you are connected to those who really care about you and are there for you.
When Lina returned to the village, she was beaming with happiness and self-confidence. She had overcome her sadness and was ready to enjoy her life with all its colours and facets. And although she was still excluded by some of her classmates, she knew that it didn't matter what the others thought. Because she had found the rainbow bridge of friendship and knew that she would never be alone again.

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